a/o-holics self help groups 2

Photo © Luka Pešun
Oppressive, Out of reach, Anonymous, Amnesiac.
When thinking about addiction in pathological terms, one rapidly thinks of its pharmacological responses: cures, support groups, abstinence. But, what is it that we can be -aholic or -oholic of? Is it really just sugar, golf, work, drugs?What if we repurpose this marker to gain a critical point of view on other aspects we have an equally compulsive and disorderly relation to?
In the frame of the A-/O-holics workshop we would like to think of addiction as markers of sociological, political and even philosophical standpoints and tendencies. We will employ technics and methods borrowed from popular addiction treatments like support groups and 12 steps and 12 traditions programs) to deal with 4 concepts we want to suffix the -a-oholic marker to: Hope, Topology, Surplus and Conspiracy. In the workshop we will gather Hope’aholics, Topo’holics, Surplus’ aholics & Conspire’ aholics in working groups for the -a/-oholics club, that will be active in the shopping mall of Center Skanderija Sarajevo. Within this gathering, we will not only work on our addictions, but also on collective art pieces that will be presented in the context of the exhibition Giddy Flames at Collegium Artisticum on the day after.
organized by Janina Weißengruber and Daniel Hüttler
For the Organ Vida / FUTURES festival in Zagreb 2024
26. – 27.9.24
Workshop documentation
Photos © Luka Pešun

Photos © Luka Pešun
August 2024