A performance developed for and premiered at the 360º virtual MEGAWORLD festival 2022
Bobby without Organs was thought of, developed and performed by
Kai Trausengger,
Janina Weißengruber,
Saara Hukka,
Teuta Jonuzi,
Julian Seiffert,
Pille-Riin Jaik,
Pawel Szostak,
Winona Hudec,
Anna Schall,
Klaus Rabeder and
Daniel Hüttler
In 2022 we, adO/Aptive, developed Bobby without Organs, a play for 10 characters dealing with digital corporeality and the seemingly impossible reciprocity of the performativity of virtual interactions.
It was performed inside a green-screen bubble where a 360°-camera was recording. This recording was live-streamed into a digital VR environment with a virtual background that set the scenic backdrop of the chapters in Bobby without Organs.
The play was written in 3 acts and took the digital viewer as the main character. The dramaturgy of the play took this viewer through a journey in the search of their own corporeality.
Plot: The premise is that Bobby, the main character (the viewer whose presence inside the greenscreen room was represented by the 360°-camera) was dismembered when entering the world where the 10 characters were awaiting them. This set the stage for the 10 characters to deal with the limbs and organs of Bobby, trying to put Bobby back together.
During the play, the characters embody a pastiche of Bobby’s agency, trapping this main character more and more inside its unavoidable destiny.
Bobby without Organs takes the viewer into the stage as a passive character, on a guided tour through virtual corporeality, deleuzo-guattarian-derivés and tells a tragicomic story in game jargon. The performers bring the audience across the 4th wall, piecing their bodies and organs together to form a monstrous image of the idealized observer. The play reflects on the unilateral consumption and expenditure of attention that the digital contemporaneity so much depends on.
Due to technical dificulties the performance in the Virtual environment was NOT recorded but we managed to take some screenshots of the stream and uploaded the audiovisual play here
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
The SCRIPT was developed by all the participating artist (mentioned above) and written down by adO/Aptive
Virtual background by Kai Trausengger and audio mixing by Julian Siffert
July 2022