
Photo © Michaela Sidorová
a workshop for PAF Olomouc Festival
writing diaries
For PAF: Diaries edition, adO/Aptive will host a workshop format that reflects on the contemporary journaling potential of social media through an excercise of collective speculation on the figures and materials that create and recycle desires.The workshop created a space for fabulation about the figure of the influencer. Which type of influence do we want and need? And what kind of worlds do these influencers create?
PAST/POST offered a possibility to reflect on consumption patterns of our daily life but also to weave a common social fabric that can exist beyond media.
The Workshop started with a short collective reading and then moved on to a co-creative experience that included different writing exercises lay out the foundation of a shared language used to speak a critique of media.
The workshop culminated in a speculative mapping session, in which we shaped a “Mountain of Influence” using the text-resources that emerged during the day. Later in the evening, participants read their contributions out loud
organized by Janina Weißengruber and Daniel Hüttler
For the PAF festival in Olomouc 2024
05. – 08.12.24
Workshop documentation
Photos © Michaela Sidorová

Photos © Michaela Sidorová
December 2024