The Danubian Bank

The Danubian Bank is an artistic project that creates reflective relations towards the tacit knowledge of economic transactions through the issuing of community currencies. In early 2022 it will launch the Störling and Grundl currencies.

The Störling is pegged to the Euro (1ST = 1€) while the Grundl is a non-fungible coin that can be acquired through a free donation and functions as a substitute for the cents. Both currencies can be acquired at certified Exchange Offices and will be in circulation until january 2024.

50% of the acquired value of the currencies will be donated to the Life Sterlet Project in Vienna. The aim of the project is to strengthen the wild population of the sterlet and to re-establish healthy, self-sustaining populations in various sections of the Danube.
The other 50% will be spent in internal Danubian Bank community projects.

The Danubian Bank creates a basis for critical reflection about our relation to the object of "money" and the concept of currencies. Beyond that, the Störling and Grundl foster awareness around the Sturgeon fish and are radical mode of community funding.
The Störling will be distributed by certified offices and can be used by a network of actors that accept it and signal this through the stickerst pictures delow. These actants can exchange the bills at a certified office or the central bank for Euros.

The main collaborators are the CDS Department at the university of applied arts in Vienna , the de:contain collective, Technologie und das Unheimliche and the ado/aptive collective.

But the Danubian Bank is always open for collaborators and is constantly expanding its network.

As a consumer, you can join the community by using the Danubian Bank currencies instead of your local state-issued currency for trading goods and services.

As an organization, company or institution, you can join the network by signing an agreement in which you attest to accepting the currencies as payments and making this possibility visible to the public.

As a collaborator, you can join the Danubian Bank by overseeing an exchange office or joining us in administrative tasks and in the development of other projects.

If you are interested, please contact us at : adoaptive[at]


Central Garden ,Treppelweg am Donaukanal, Höhe Untere Donaustraße 41, 1020 Wien
school ,Grüngasse 22, 1050 Wien
alienze , Fendigasse 26, 1050 Wien
Cafe Flöge ,Emilie-Flöge-Weg 4, 1100 Wien
PLOT TOY(Events and Lable, Wien)

You can recognize them by this stickers:

Exchange Offices

Danubian Central Bank ,Raaber-Bahn-Gasse 10, 1100 Wien
Cafe Flöge ,Emilie-Flöge-Weg 4, 1100 Wien

You can recognize them by this stickers:

Bills, designed by Daniel Hüttler

1 Störling



2 Störling



5 Störling



10 Störling



20 Störling



Other Resources

Jan 2022 - ongoing